Finalizing The Robot Today was a productive day for talon. We worked on soldering some of the final electronics to the main power supply. We also worked on cable management for the robot. In order for the climber to properly work it was necessary for the wires to be away…
2022 Build Season Day 30 (2/24/2022)
Robot & Team News Today was a busy day for Talon as many members went to the open room. Because we had many members that showed up we were able to get a lot done. Team members worked on replacing wheels on the drive train. We decided to do this…
2022 Build Season Day 29 (2/23/2022)
Team updates Today we had our regularly scheduled open room. At the open room team members started work on attaching the bumpers onto the robot. As of now the bumpers still need work but we made a lot of progress. In other news a few members started building new motors…
2022 Build Season Day 28 (2/22/2022)
Travel Update Instead of a team meeting the team had a travel meeting for the upcoming duluth. At the meeting which took place online we discussed the requirements for the trip. If you were not there you can check Slack for more details. If you have any questions regarding the trip,…
2022 Build Season Day 27 (2/19/2022)
Robot Updates Today was a longer open room which is very good for the robot and the team. Today we worked on putting grease on the drive train. We also started finalizing the electronics for the robot. As of now the robot is getting very close to being finished. Overall…
2022 Build Season Day 26 (2/17/2022)
Robot Goodness Today during the open room team members continued to work on robot. In particular we worked on the battery mount and other parts. Because we have Friday off many team members were showing up to todays open room. This was very beneficial for the entire team as we…
2022 Build Season Day 25 (2/16/2022)
Authors: Paul O’Connell, Dylan Curry Open Room + Robot News Today at talon we worked on the climber subsystem. We installed the pistons for the articulated climbing arms. We tested them on the climber on the climber structure. This showed us that we tilt too much when hanging. This lowered…
2022 Build Season Day 24 (2/15/2022)
Authors: Dylan Curry, Kenny Nguyen Robot Updates In-take Progress on the in-take continues after the 3D printer was all done with the parts we needed to continue the build. We have the members hammering in the pieces. Battery We also have 5 new Interstate batteries and had members install leads….
2022 Build Season Day 23 (2/14/2022)
Open-room Goodness Today was another busy and productive day for talon. Today the team continued to work on the practice bot. However today was somewhat difficult as we worked on mounting pieces onto the robot. Part of this task requires members to get parts in the right spot. This is…
2022 Build Season Day 21-22 (2/10/2022-2/11/2022)
Updates On Sub-teams The last two days were both very busy days for Talon. We had our regular meetings and open rooms. Yesterday the team had their regularly scheduled programming meeting. At the meeting they continued to work on their individual projects. They also talked about merging the code with…