Team Meeting
Today was Talon’s weekly Tuesday team meeting. At the said meeting we discussed the following information:
- Talon will be participating in a local outreach event TreeHouse. This event will target homeless youth in our community. We will be able to show off our robot and introduce STEM into those who come visit us. The team will be there on Tuesday the 22nd from 7-8pm. We hope everyone comes to the event as its a great way to use your talking points and get lettering.
Sub-Team Updates
All sub-teams are running smoothly as of right now. With three weeks away from our next event. Everyone is getting ready for 10K
- The scouting team is asking everyone who were using the app to fill out a form that is in the scouting channel in slack. IT is really helpful as we will be able to improve our app for the next event
- The awards sub-team worked on the chairman’s presentation as of now they are almost ready for 10K.
- The marketing team has finished their business plan “pamphlet” which will be used for the award and sponsors.
- Finally the programming team has just gotten new hardware so they will be working on new code that will be used in 10K
Overall today was a very productive day. The team meeting was quick and easy. Everyone is working very hard and we all hope that 10K will be an amazing win. Until that time comes. The media team will keep reporting all of our breakthroughs.
Open-Room Updates
Many pieces came in today so everyone had some sort of project. For some team members today involved building the poles that will be attached to the hangar. For others it involved cable management with the practice bot. Another team member made a battery mount that will be attached to both robots. In all the open-room was awesome. Everyone had a great time and we got a lot done.

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.