Day 7: Today was another busy work day, and much more progress was made today. We planning ahead for the long weekend, many groups set up plans and goals to accomplish by Monday. Flywheel Shooter Today, a lot more progress was made on the shooter. Grant, the Isaacs, Kayla, Rohan,…
Day 5 (Rest) and Day 6
Day 5: Today was a break day for our team. The only things that happened were meetings and delivery of some parts. At the build leads meeting, we decided to order both a set of single speed and dual speed gearboxes so we can try both of them and figure…
Day 4
Overview: Once again, prototyping was the main focus for the meeting today. Many prototypes were improved and a couple more have been started. At the team meeting tonight, we had brief overviews from each of our present leads. At the end of the meeting, we voted on which drive train…
Days 1, 2, and 3
Kickoff (1/7/2017): Today, we had our kickoff in the south commons. We started the day with a pancake breakfast, which then transitioned into our kickoff presentation, and into the online broadcast. After the game was revealed, we split up into a couple of different groups to read and analyze the…
2017 Build Season

Welcome to the blog space for Team2502 Talon Robotics. We will update this site often to help our team (and friends and family) know what we are working on and the decisions that have been or have to be made.