Finalizing The Robot
Today was a productive day for talon. We worked on soldering some of the final electronics to the main power supply. We also worked on cable management for the robot. In order for the climber to properly work it was necessary for the wires to be away from the climber. So, some team members worked with zip-ties to organize the cable mess the robot has. Now the climber is able to extend and retract without anything blocking its path. The media team has decided to attach a GoPro to the robot. When we are in Duluth the media team will be able to give you the robots POV, so expect these in the coming blogs.
Team Updates
- Today we had a scouting meeting. At the said meeting the scouting lead by Rahul C. They discussed the plan for Duluth. Their plan is to have as many members on the scouting team as possible. If the team is able to have many members scouting then we will be able to get a better idea on who to pick. If you are going to Duluth and are looking for a job please join the scouting team as it helps everyone involved with the game.
- The team also had its weekly marketing meeting. At the meeting they worked on creating an entrepreneurship draft for the entrepreneurship award. The Marketing team also worked on slides for the award. in the future they will be able to present these slides for future sponsors. The marketing team has worked very hard this season without their help the robot could not have been built and the team would not be where it is today.
- Today was the day our Chairmans video was due. We were somewhat behind , so a small group finished the video for the team. We needed the video to be submitted in order for us to win Chairmans, So a special thanks to Riley N, Aarushi S, and Kenny N for all the last minute work that was done.
Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.