Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra Double Flywheel Testing We continued testing of the double flywheel today, this time with different angles. During some early testing, we found that the shafts extending past the bearings on both sides were causing balance issues. We cut the shaft to the needed length and…
Day 8 – Testing the Flywheel (1/11/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra, Danny Georgioff Introduction Today was Isaac Ash’s birthday. He is our senior engineering captain. Happy birthday, Isaac! Also, today, one of the FTC teams at the middle school had their league qualifier. Sadly, they were ranked 20th of 25 and did not make it to…
Day 7 – Design Review Meeting (1/11/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra 2 Inch Vectored Intake Wheels Yesterday, we finished assembling our first 3d printed 2 inch vectored intake wheel as a test. Today, now that we know how to assemble them, we assembled 7 more of them to be used for different intake prototypes. Rotary OBA…
Day 6 – Mail! (1/9/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra Introduction Unfortunately, progress was a little slow compared to the other days due to other meetings (FTC mentoring, mentor meeting, SW Hub meeting). We did, however, get a bunch of parts in the mail, including Spacer stock for the drivetrain Metal parts for our 3D…
Day 5 – Shooting the Ball (1/8/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra Introduction Today, our Falcon 500s came in the mail today! We were going to test it, but were unable to due to the state of Sgt. Sammy. Also, here’s a funny story. Today, we were trying to get the Spark MAX’s to drive the NEO’s…
Day 4 – Moving the Ball (1/7/2020)
Authors: Ritik Mishra, Andrew Georgioff, Ravisha Jaiswal Introduction Today was Justin’s birthday. If you don’t know who he is, he’s our junior engineering captain. Happy birthday Justin 🙂 Turn Table V2 Last night, a new design for the turn table was made using the lessons we learned yesterday. There are…
Day 3 – More Prototyping! (1/6/2020)
Authors: Ritik Mishra, Andrew Georgioff, Pearl Jain, Serena Jain Introduction Are you making a prototype? Please post updates and pics in the #blog Slack channel of what you’re working so we can make the blog more accurate! Winners read the rules. Are you a winner? Tunnels To use the power…
Day 2 – Prototyping (1/5/2020)
Authors: Ritik Mishra, Andrew Georgioff, Ryan Alexander Intake Prototypes: Linear, Rotary, Fourbar In order to shoot the ball and score points, the robot must first pick it up. Several intake prototypes have been started today, specifically the rotary OBA (over-the-bumper active intake) and the linear OBA. There is a team…
Day 1 – Kickoff! (1/4/2020)
Authors: Danny Georgioff, Ritik Mishra The 2020 game was released today. Watch the game reveal and read the manual to more fully understand what Infinite Recharge is all about (long story short: its Rebound Rumble 2: Electric Boogaloo. Everyone should read the game manual to get an understanding of the…
Day 40 (2/14/18)
Authors – Ritik Mishra, Grant Silewski Introduction We got a lot of work done on both robots this weekend! We added limit switches to our practice robot, hooked up some more encoders, and fixed small issues all around that needed to be addressed. We also made considerable progress on our…