Spring Break Summary
Over the last week Talon was able to have its usual open-rooms. With most team members on vacation we were able to get a lot done with the robot. Below you will see a day by day summary of the break. These are meant to be each day’s blog. The team decided to have a week long summary as we did not want to have daily updates over the break.
- On Friday the team was excited to start the break. We started the open room by assembling our test field. Other members continued work on our chairman’s video that we will be submitting for 10K. Overall Friday was mostly a setup day for the rest of the week. We did get a small amount of work done with the robot, but most members were working on other projects.
- On Saturday the team had nine hours to work on the robot, so we got a lot done that day. Team members started the day off with some driver practice. After that they worked on the climber parts. Most members were working on other projects throughout the day. The open-room was very productive which is always a good thing for Talon.
- On Sunday the team got its final nine hour day. The team continued work on the climbers and did some driving practice. Just like Saturday, Sunday was another normal day for the team. Overall we did get a lot done. We worked on the climber parts and many team members worked on individual projects.
- On Monday the team started the open-room with shorter hours to accommodate the mentors schedules Many members joined the team to help start out the week. The team started out the day by doing some driving practice. after that a few members worked on the robots climber parts. A few members also worked on some smaller tasks that the team needed doing. The marketing team did have its weekly sub-team meeting where they worked on other projects from previous weeks. Monday was a very good start of the week for the team.
- On Tuesday the team had a different kind of day. The team went to a local church to have its Treehouse demo. At the demo the team showed off our old robot Orion. Team members talked about FIRST and our team.
- Tuesday was a very good day, but the open-room wasn’t open for long. So, this led to the team not getting many projects done. The team mostly tested out the robot and worked on the climber parts.
- The awards sub-team did have its usual meeting before the outreach event.

- On Wednesday the day was pretty normal. The open-room was just another usual . The only major update was at the outreach meeting. At the said meeting they discussed the success of yesterday’s event. But, they also worked on the Alumni event’s poster. Overall Wednesday was another normal day for the team we did get a lot of stuff done.
- With the usual open-room schedule. Those who went to the open-room worked on assembling the climbers. A few other students worked on testing the robot’s shooter. There isn’t that much to report for Thursday as the open-room mostly focused on tuning the shooter. However the team did have its usual programming meeting. The programming meeting was pretty short as many members were on vacation.
- For Friday a fuze blew on the robot. This was a short road-block as we needed to test some new code. It took us around an hour to find the issue, but we did fix the problem.
- Once the robot was in a working order. We decided to test out our four ball auto. In the video below you will be able to see our very impressive autonomous phase.
- The media team did not have its weekly meeting.
- Overall Friday was a very productive day. Many students joined the team in the open-room. This led to the team finishing the climber arms.
- During Saturday the team added the climbers onto the robot. It was a slower day as the team was mostly working on the robot. The team didn’t do any robot testing as most of the testing happened the day before. Talon did have a team building event that took place later in the open-room. The team watched a movie and had pizza. some other members worked on the robot but the movie ended the day for Talon.

- For our final day of the break there weren’t many things that needed to be done. The team worked on finalizing the climber and cleaning up. Other members were busy with other tasks like programming the climbing code. In the video below you will be able to see our climber.
Sunday was a good day for the team although it does not conclude our build season. The team will still continue its regular open-rooms and meetings. We are still planning on building the comp-bot for this season but for now we are still working on the practice bot. Finally the media team is working on editing to footage of our last event. It will be coming out sometime in the next week. Until then the media team will continue its regular blog posts.

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
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