Day 38 – Climber is finally CADded (2/08/2020)

Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra, Ishan Shetty

Field Elements

All of the remaining field elements were brought in today, allowing us to build a half-field. Once they were brought in, multiple members quickly began painting them. After this, we set up the field for tomorrow’s driving test. 

Above: team members assembling one of the generator switches in preparation for the driver’s test tomorrow

Above: In progress paint job for the power port. Does it look familiar?


We got some parts back from CEM today. These are parts 

  • 02 – 01 Flywheel Plate with Feeder Wheel
  • 02 – 03 Flywheel Plate
  • 03 – 07 Offset Bearing Holder 

Above: 03-07 Offset Bearing Holder

Above: 02 – 03 Flywheel Plate


We assembled the remaining gearboxes today for the comp bot today. This way, we can install them onto the comp bot as soon as they are ready. 


We made significant progress on bumpers today. The only thing left to do on the practice bumpers is to add fabric, which is coming in the mail.  This year, we are using Sports Twill, as it is a lot smoother than the Cordura 5000 found on AndyMark. We have also prepared most of the parts for the competition set of bumpers (red and blue). We have all of the plywood backs cut to length, and we have all of the corner angle brackets ready for installation. The only things left to do are to cut the pool noodles, make the frame attachment brackets, and assemble the bumpers.

Above: bumpers off the robot

Above: bumpers on the robot

One hassle that we encountered (and had been anticipating) was dealing with the fact the bearing flanges are protruding outside of the frame perimeter. This meant that we had to create clearance in the bumper backing for the protrusion. We found that the best way to do this was to use a forstner bit in conjunction with the depth stop on the drill press. 

Because the bearing flanges are both a big hassle and are of questionable legality (bearings are not fasteners), we are considering putting them inside frame perimeter on the competition bot.


We encountered an issue with the shafts of our Falcon 500s’ today after driving around on our practice field. The shaft on one of the Falcons was wiggling around with respect to the rest of the motor. Normally (much like your teeth), the shaft should not wiggle at all. Just like a wiggly adult tooth, the wiggling Falcon shaft was incredibly concerning. We looked at the user manual for the Falcons and tightened the screws that were holding the shaft to the motor. This fixed the wiggling issue, ensuring the robot was ready for tomorrow’s driving test.


Today, we added two rotating metal plates to the airpods. Two plastic pieces (which we should get back from the waterjet on Monday) will connect this plate to the rest of the intake.

We also cut the churro spacers for the main intake body, and assembled the plates together.

Above: A partially assembled intake. The real rollers should be coming in the mail soon. 

We made our own janky plastic pieces for testing, until we realized that we couldn’t test it because the battery box was blocking one side of the robot, and the electronics panel was blocking the other side. 

Above: janky plastic pieces


It got CADded! We have a good place for it to go on the robot. Parts have been ordered and should arrive soon.

Above: A picture of the CAD

Quote of the Day: “uh oh. uh oh. uh oh. uh oh. uh oh. uh oh. uh oh. uh oh” – Ryan A. and Ryan M. when robot did not fit through doorframe after being specifically made to fit through said doorframe