Day 31 (2/5/2018)

Authors – Grant Silewski, Ritik Mishra Introduction We have almost finished the practice robot! This weekend we pretty much worked on everything and got it to work. We even got our robot to drive around! More specifically, we adding chain to the drivetrain, finished putting together the butterfly, added the…

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Day 28 (2/2/2018)

Authors – Andrew Gazelka, Ritik Mishra, Grant Silewski Introduction After a few weeks, we finally got most of the parts back from CEM, or rather enough for us to almost completely finish a practice robot, and make many of the subsystems for the competition robot. CEM is an amazing sponsor, and…

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Day 11 (1/16/2018)

Introduction The team voted on prototypes today. The engineering leads will discuss this decision later this week. That decision will most likely be on Thursday.   The team decided on the following: For the active intake, we wanted an elevator integrated active intake. For lifting, we decided that we should…

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Day 9 (1/14/2018)

Project Butterfly We were successful in making one wing for Project Butterfly. The wing was able to hold students weighing about 150 pounds, and our old robot, disc-o, with Titanium on top of it (Probably about 170 lbs). After upgrading the brackets into quarter inch plate, we no longer saw…

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Day 6 (1/11/2018)

Introduction Today there was an Engineering Leads meeting. The leads talked about the upcoming weeks and the plans for what should be done. By next Tuesday all prototypes have to done and ready to present. At Tuesday’s meeting, we will vote on the best prototypes. The other deadlines will be…

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Day 5 (1/10/2018)

Introduction Prototypes are still continually being tested and modified. However, due to the many minuscule changes that often take place, it is often difficult to continually write about it all. Today was a light work day, partially due to the fact that many other activities often schedule events and gatherings…

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Day 4 (1/09/2018)

Introduction Prototypes will be decided on next Tuesday during the team meeting. During this meeting, the leads of each prototype will go over their designs and do demonstrations of working prototypes. The team will then vote for the subsystems they like. After the team has voted the build leads will…

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