Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra Comp Bot Spacers Today, we decided that waiting for two mentors to be in the room at the same time would delay our schedule too much. So, we decided to close the room for a little bit so that a crew could go up to…
Day 48 – Comp Bot Assembly 3: Return of the Waterjet (2/20/2020)
Authors: Ritik Mishra Waterjet Run + Hopper Assembly Today, we got comp bot parts back from the waterjet. These include the climber hook, the climber winch plate, and the two hopper plates Above: A short clip of the bottom hopper plate getting waterjet. You can see water bubbling out of…
Day 47 – Comp Bot Assembly 2: SMH Vex (02/19/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra Applying Loctite to Falcons We fixed a minor issue with our competition robot drivetrain Falcons. There is a small performance issue with Falcons where the internal screws that hold the shaft to the motor come loose, turn into screw dust, and permanently destroy the motor…
Day 46 – Comp Bot Assembly 1 (2/18/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra, Ishan Shetty Anodized Parts We received our parts back from anodization today. This was a nice surprise since we expected the parts to come back on Thursday. Assembly on the drive chassis has been started, but bearings have yet to be installed. Above: Our competition…
Day 45 – Post-Week 0 Repairs (2/17/2020)
Authors: Ritik Mishra, Andrew Georgioff Drivetrain Falcon Shaft Yesterday, we noticed that one of our Falcons had a loose shaft. We did not have enough time to remove it from the robot, so we just ran with it and hoped that it wouldn’t cause too much damage. The Falcon shafts…
Day 44 – Week 0 Competition (02/16/2020)
Authors: Ritik Mishra, Andrew Georgioff Intro Today was a busy day today! For the third consecutive year, we held a week 0 competition (and for the first time, it was actually at the high school). The week 0 competition is an unofficial competition that gives teams in the area an…
Day 43 – Week 0 Prep (2/15/2020)
Authors: Ritik Mishra, Andrew Georgioff Intro So much happened today! The robot is Working ™. It intakes balls, pulls them through the lemon squeezer, stores them in the hopper, and then shoots them. There are still many improvements that can be made, such as code changes for the mechanism that…
Day 42 – Little brain: COTS | Big brain: 3DP (2/14/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra 3D Printed Parts We finished printing our first parts — drivetrain gearbox covers — using our 3D printer from Stratasys. They are made of ABS because it is the only type of plastic (besides soluble support material) that our printer will print. The gearbox covers…
Day 41 – The Mail to Robot Pipeline Continues (02/13/2020)
Authors: Ritik Mishra Competition Robot Frame Two days ago, we received all of the parts from CEM that we needed to assemble for our comp bot frame. Today, we got a new shipment of gussets, bearings, and belt pulleys from VexPro. This allowed us to assemble most of our comp…
Day 40 – Mail to Robot Pipeline (2/12/2020)
Authors: Andrew Georgioff, Ritik Mishra Bumper Construction Today we received the fabric needed to construct bumpers. As such, we started construction and completed our first set of bumpers today. We will use these bumpers on our practice robot and for our upcoming week zero competition on Sunday. Fun fact: This…