Day Summary
Today was the second-day Talon robotics participated in Minnesota’s 10,000 Lakes Regional tournament. Below is every match summary along with some other important information:
Today Talon was able to take a bus to 10K. This led to the team having more members joining us. With a larger group of people, Talon was able to quickly find a spot in the stands. Once the team was settled down everyone waited for the opening ceremonies. When they finally began the event staff explained the day and everyone watched a video from Woody Flowers.
Once the opening ceremonies final finished. The team awaited its final match of the day. With every match now being a qualification match, the team was quite nervous. Everyone hoped for a good opening match as we wanted to start the event strong.

Matches 1-7
Match 1
- When the drive team finally delivered the robot onto the field the team was ready. The announcer called off each team on the field and the game began. In the first fifteen seconds of the match, Talon was able to shoot in two of the four balls in its autonomous phase. After that, the drivers were able to rack up another ten points for the alliance. The team did have a slight issue in the middle of the game where the robot was disabled. But after that, the team was able to reach the high. Unfortunately, the robot disconnected from the driver’s station leading to the robot falling over. The team ended its first match with a loss.
Match 2
- In the second match, things started to pick up for the team. Every member was given a buddy to do scouting with. The pit crew also fix some minor problems with the robot. So, for the next match talon was ready. The team was not able to shoot in anyballs in the first fifteen seconds. This led to the human player, Riley L attempting to shoot a cargo into the upper hub. Unfortunately, he did miss, but the drive team was able to shoot three balls into the higher goal. The team was also able to climb to the high bar before the time ran out. The team did lose this second match which brought the team even lower in the rankings.
Match 3
- The team was starting to get nervous about the upcoming match as we were going up against some strong opponents. The team did end up losing the match but our robot was able to perform well. In the autonomous phase, the robot was able to shoot two balls into the upper goal. The drive team also managed to shoot in eight balls into the upper ring, but the blue alliance was able to play strong defense against the team. Talon ended that match with a loss, but the team was able to climb to the traversal rung.

Match 4
- Our next match started after lunch. With everyone having a full stomach, the team was excited about the next match. Once again Talon did lose the match but we performed very well. Our autonomous was able to shoot in two balls and our drive team was able to shoot in another four balls. Our drive team was also able to get a double traversal with Team 4207.
Match 5
- After having four losses talon wasn’t ready to lose anymore. In our fifth match, things changed for the better. Our team was able to shoot in three balls in the first fifteen seconds. After that our drive team shot another twelve balls into the higher ring making our fifth match our highest-scoring match yet. To top off our amazing shots the drive team ended the match with a double traversal with Team 4198.
Match 6
- After that last good match, the team went onto the next round wanting a higher rank. So, when our autonomous phase came into motion we were able to shoot two balls to the higher ring. After that, the drive team was able to shoot in four balls and get a traversal climb. The opposing alliance was able to put up a good fight which allowed them to take home the win. The team was not mad as we were able to get a traversal climb and use our robot.

Match 7
- In talons final match of the day, everyone was excited. We had a very close match-up so, the round would be very close. However, Cerberus was able to perform very well. Our robot was not able to shoot any balls in the autonomous phase as we had an issue with the robot’s positioning. The drive team was able to score ten points into the high ring. They were also able to get a high ring climb with the small amount of time they had. The team along with its alliance members were able to win our final match of the day.
After Every match was played for the day the team sat down for the closing ceremonies. The team was able to recall everything good that happened that day, but the team was also very happy. Two of our mentors were able to win two awards.
- John S was able to win a Woody Flowers Finalist award.
- Sandy O Won the volunteer of the year award.

Other Information
- With all of these wins and losses throughout the day, the team was able to get fifteen ranking points and be placed in 20th. Compared to Northern lights, Talon is doing much better. If you are wanting to watch each match or get more details. Head on over to TheBlueAlliance & Twitch
Scouting Meeting
- The team was able to get a scouting meeting at the end of the day. Unfortunately, the media team will not be able to share any details of the event, but the team was able to get a better idea of where we start for the rest of the event.

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