Sunday, 11/10
Talon Robotics Annual Fundraising Dinner
This past weekend, Talon hosted our annual fundraising dinner Robots and Rotini. This is Talon’s annual pasta dinner fundraiser featuring demonstrations of robots from both our FRC (high school) and FTC (middle school) teams, a silent auction, a dinner, and so much more! It is our team’s biggest fundraiser and one of our largest events, so the help of our teammates, mentors, and parent volunteers is crucial for its success. We’d like to thank everyone who helped make this event the success it was and we hope you enjoyed your time!
Due to the size of this event, we had to start the planning process months ahead. This event has a lot of details to work out and a lot of important information that needs to be communicated. Many responsibilities need to be taken on, and thanks to the strong leadership of our fundraising team subteam, it went wonderfully! This was the first year of fundraising leadership for both our student lead, Charlotte S, and our mentor lead, Toni K, they both rose to the challenge and led a record-breaking event!

The day of the event was extremely busy, with it lasting from 4 to 7. Many team members/mentors came to EPHS early to set everything up, arriving at 2. There were a ton of stations this year, so we really needed the extra time to get things ready. Part of the team focused on food prep, which there was a LOT of. It took multiple hours, but they managed to do it before everyone came. The rest of the team helped set up the FLL tables, auction baskets, FTC/FRC fields, and much, much more.
During the event, the middle and high school teams showed off their robots to the kids, even shooting rings for them with Talon’s last season robot, Cronus. During this, members in the kitchen were serving food and desserts to almost 400 people, a new record for this fundraiser! We also held an arts and crafts station, where kids could come and get their faces painted (to the best of our abilities), and come up with fun designs to turn into buttons.

Having people come to volunteer at Robots and Rotini is critical to making this event work, and we wouldn’t have gotten everything off the ground and running without the support of the people there. We’d like to thank every team member who sold tickets and showed up to set up/run all the different stations, all of you were a huge help! We also want to thank every parent, as your support and dedication is one of the main reasons our team is able to run and hold events like this. Finally, we would like to thank our fundraising committee, especially the student Lead Charlotte S. and mentor Toni K.,
For all of the hard work. You two did amazing, this was the biggest turnout we’ve ever had and we wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.
Donations are a vital part of this event, both from teammates and families directly and from our local businesses. The majority of the food and items in our silent auction baskets were generously donated for the event. We’d like to thank everyone who donated for helping us greatly toward success and shout out those who contributed massively! We couldn’t do this without your support and would like to thank:
- Lunds and Byerlys
- Caribou Coffee
- Crumbl
- Bo-Diddleys
- Kowalskis
- Cub Foods

Finally, we would like to thank all of you for coming and supporting our event. We couldn’t have done this without you, and we hope to see you all again next year!
Stay Connected With Us During The Entire Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season. Feel free to check out our social media pages: