2022 Build Season Day 61 (4/30/2022)

Open-Room Updates

Today was a very exciting day for Talon as the team got to practice at Mura Field. The day started early for everyone who attended the event. The field opened at nine, so team members arrived early to help unload the trailer. It was a rainy day, so team members rushed the robot into the facility to prevent damage to Cerberus’s electronics. Once the robot was inside the building, Talon was set up and ready to go. The team dried off its electronics and put its robot onto the field. We tested the robot’s shooting, but the team managed to damage one of its drivetrain’s motors. It took us some time, but our pit crew repaired the motor and the robot was back on the field.

two student working on a drive train.

We drove Cerberus around for a little while, testing out its shooter. After a few shots the team started to find out an issue with our limelight. The team noticed the lighting in the field was very bad. Our limelight was not able to scan the upper funnel properly. Having this issue would not allow us to practice at Mura field, so the team went back to its high school to practice at our own field. 

Once the team arrived back the drivers spent some time practicing, but the programmers needed to fine tune the limelight’s code. The team spent the rest of the day fixing our code.  

Our drivers controlling the robot at Mura field.
the robot about to shoot a ball out of its turret
Cerberus preparing to shoot a ball out of its turret.
the robot shooting a ball
Cerberus testing out its limelight.

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