2022 Build Season Day 59 (4/28/2022)

Authors: Sujeeth T, Dylan C

Open-Room Updates

Today was a great day for Talon. The team was able to work on the robot and test out multiple features. However, we found a small problem with the robot when we were testing PIDs. The Fabrication team found a problem with the flywheel that was added onto the turret yesterday.

a student working on on the robot

The team found an issue with the a rod in the motor. Those who were in the room tried fixing the motor but they had no luck, the motor was broken. The team opened it’s box of spares, and grabbed a new one. However, the broken motor had a cut out hex shaft lock, while our new motor didn’t. The team had an idea to get the drill bit into the same dent, but it was a long method and it was hard to do. The team ended the day with a broken motor and a unfixed robot

A mentor and student working
Michelle and Isaac working for the Alumni event 

While our robot was under repair. The team was working on an upcoming alumni event. This was our third annual alumni event. Today team Isaac and Michelle continued to work on planning the event . If you are a alumni or senior, and your are interested in this event check out this Google SignUp for more information.

Three students working in the open-room.

Today was a great day and a fun day for Talon. While we didn’t fully repair our motor, we did get a lot of work done. Everyone has been working extra hard for our state competition.

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!

If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season. Feel free to check out our social media:


