2022 Build Season Day 52 (4/5/2022)

Team Updates

Every Tuesday the team has its weekly team meeting. At this team meeting the team discussed the following information:

10,000 Lakes Regional

With 10K in less than one day the team is ready. Just like our last event in Duluth every team member is expected to wear this year’s shirt on Friday and Saturday. Also if you are wanting to get updates on the team during the event. Please feel free to check out our Twitter as we will be posting match results there. 

In addition to all of the updates on our social media accounts The media team will have its usual blog posts for the event.

Finally for transportation the team will only have buses on Friday and Saturday. On both of these days the bus will arrive at the school at 7:15am and leave at 7:30am. So, please do not be late as the team needs to be there once the pits open.

Sub-Team Updates

After the team discussed the important information involving 10K the team had its usual sub-team updates. You will see the following information below:



  • The Awards sub-team was able to finish every interview this week. They ended their final interview on Monday with our chairman’s award. They want to give out a special thanks to everyone who has contributed to our success. Everyone is very excited for Saturday when they announce the winners. Even if Talon doesn’t win anything. The awards sub-team is very happy with everything the team has done this season.


  • The Media sub-team had its usual Friday meeting last week. The meeting was mostly a check in, but the sub-team is planning on posting on twitter and Instagram during the event. The sub-team is still working on the video from Duluth, but it will be finished by next week.


  • The Marketing sub-team has invited our sponsors to our pits at 10K. They have also reached our usual quota in funding this week. With Covid-19 taking a toll on our sponsors the marketing sub-team is very thankful for everything our sponsors have done for us.


  • The Fundraising sub-team did not have much to report for this week. They have been working on their usual bunch of work, but currently there is not anything new.


  • For the Outreach sub-team they have been quite busy recently. As of now they are planning on hosting the Alumni event on May 15th. For 10K the team will be handing out flyers for the event. The Outreach sub-team has been working very hard on the alumni event. They are hoping that many former team members will be able to find the flyers.


Fabrication & Design

  • On the build side of things the team is pretty much finished with the robot, so the Design and Fabrication sub-teams don’t have much to report. However the Fabrication sub-team has been able to fully prepare for 10K by making some spare parts for the robot.

Scouting and Strategy

  • The Scouting and Strategy sub-team has been quite busy preparing for 10K. They have worked on the scouting app in the past few weeks. As of now it is running quite smoothly with the code that has been added into it. 
    • The sub-team has also been contacted by team 2169. They have reached out asking if our teams could collaborate scouting information on Friday. Talon has accepted this offer. So, the sub-team is asking everyone to do their best while scouting as we need the most accurate data for this collaboration.


  • The Programming sub-team has also finished their code. Everything seems to be in a working order, but if we have an error at 10K. The team will be able to quickly fix it in between matches.

Safety and Organization

  • Finally the Safety and Organization sub-team has been busy in the last week. They have mostly been organizing our tool cupboards. But they have also been working on prepping the trailer for 10K.

Overall every sub-team has been busy in general. Everyone in Talon is very excited for the event. 10K is open to the general public. If you are wanting to support the team by cheering at the stands. Talon would be grateful.

Other Information

The team will not be having an open room for the remainder of the week and weekend. The team will be focusing on 10K as the robot will be in the pits. 

If the team wins 10K there will be a chance for the team to go to worlds. If you are interested in going there is a SignUpGenius in Slack.

Just like worlds there is also the State championship. Currently there isn’t any news on us going, but we have a pretty good chance. As of now there isn’t a SignUpGenius, but mark your calendars for the 7th of May.

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!

If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.


