Travel Update
Instead of a team meeting the team had a travel meeting for the upcoming duluth. At the meeting which took place online we discussed the requirements for the trip.
If you were not there you can check Slack for more details. If you have any questions regarding the trip, reach out to a mentor or captain. The meeting was very important so, we recommend you watch the video below. It contains all the info you’ll need for the trip.
Other News
Today the programming team worked on a small problem with the turret. As of now it has been resolved. At the time of the problem we would not have been able to use the turret which was not okay as we need the turret to compete. Currently the robot is in its final phases all we need to do now is finalize the code and fix some small problems. Soon the team will start to work on the main robot which will compete in Northern Lights.
Later this week the drivers test will take place. If you are wanting to become a driver you must take the information test on Thursday and the drivers test this Friday.

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.
Twitter: @FRC2502