2022 Build Season Day 8 (1/15/2022)


Today, Talon members continued to prototype and refine subsystem ideas for the upcoming season. From active intakes that deploy with parallel bars to unprecedented turrets that our team has only dabbled in, this season Talon members are reaching out of their comfort zone trying new concepts, while still staying reasonable and realistic.

Prototyping Progress

Riley working on the turret
Attaching static hood to in-house, CNC’d sprockets
Testing out turret plate that spins using radial bearings


It is difficult to stress how important the CNC machine has become for prototyping this season. In the past, manufacturing gears and complex plates was a pain. From printing out 1:1 drawings from Solidworks and trying to use the bandsaw to trace the paper lines, to simply CADing out ideas and hoping the pieces fall into place, prototyping without a CNC was a whole different game. Now, we have people regularly cutting out bearing plates, gears, sprockets, and more in just a few minutes.

CNC cutting bearing plates
Our CNC router cutting plates meant to hold bearings for an active intake prototype


As a team, we love to see alumni drop by during open room and chat for a bit. Oftentimes, Talon members coming in as freshmen learn a large majority of topics about FRC from the upperclassman of their year, and once they graduate it’s always nice to catch up and talk about robotics. Today, two old members dropped by to catch up and discuss this year’s game and some strategies.

Visiting alumnx and current team members
Current team members conversing with alumni about this years game

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!

If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.

Tik-Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@frc2502?

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ephs.robotics/?utm_medium=copy_link

Twitter: @FRC2502