Our team is led by students and guided by mentors. The team is led by four captains; two engineering and two business. They oversee everything the team does and guide the eleven sub-team leads: 5 business, 5 build, and 1 neutral.
Structure Chart

The four captains are elected, after submitting applications and giving a speech, by the team members and mentors. The mentors choose one business and one engineering and the students choose one business and one engineering. To become a leader, students submit an application to the captains who make the decision.
The team leads are in charge of specific aspects of the team, such as community outreach and computer-aided design. The leads for sub-teams within the team that are responsible to get that portion done. Most members are on more than one sub-team, and we highly encourage students to participate in both business and build. All of our members, but especially our leads and captains, develop valuable leadership, communication, and collaboration skills that they will carry with them through the build season and beyond their time in FRC.

Although student leaders are in charge, they are just high school students. Each lead has a mentor they work with, to guide them through the year. There are also specific mentors who work with the captains, the business lead mentor, and the engineering lead mentor. The mentors work hard to help us, putting in countless hours so we can keep working.