Monday 3/4 – Dylan L, Manas P
As we kicked off the open room, we had an important decision to make: to decide the batteries’ name theme. Possible themes included pasta shapes and US presidents, but we ultimately decided on naming them after types of pasta. As we continued the open room, we noticed older students giving younger students advice about their budding life. Truly a tender and touching moment! Additionally, our team put together Lego kits, intended for 4th graders. Buttons were also made to give out at our upcoming tournament. With all of our hard work in the room, our team’s hunger was immense. Luckily for us, today was our Chipotle fundraiser! Our team made a few trips to the restaurant, supporting our team. Yummy!
All in all, today was a great success from naming batteries, to putting the finishing touches on our robot before our upcoming tournament this week. It’s time to lock in.

Tuesday 3/5
ONE DAY TILL MISSOURI! T-minus less than 24 hours until we travel to Sedalia, Missouri to our first tournament this season. Today, stakes were high, hopes were even higher, and time to finish the robot was… nowhere near enough. Even though the robot is done, is it ever really? Today students in the room were working very hard to get the finishing touches on the robot and to finish building one of the biggest projects this season- the bumpers. As well as on the build side, the mad scramble ensued on the business side- with our IMPACT presenters.

IMPACT is an award given out to one team every year that involves a culmination of multiple parts (an essay, a presentation, a video) that is performed by the judges or submitted to the competition. All of the pieces outline a team’s impact on the community and are the biggest award that can be given out to a team at a competition, so it can be quite high pressure. Our presenters have been spending a lot of time working on their presentation though, and they’re going to do very well at Missouri. Good luck IMPACT presenters!

Finally, we had a team meeting. Today the meeting was focused on- you guessed it- Missouri! What happens, when we leave, what to pack, and more. Finally, we had a wonderful presentation from our IMPACT presenters to the team, and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. Overall, today was productive, exciting, and hyped- and we’re so excited to compete in central Missouri!
Stay Connected With Us During The Entire Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season. Feel free to check out our social media pages: