Week Summary
Open room for Monday was similar to every other Monday. With open room starting at 3:30 talon got to work. We cut plates on the CNC machine for the intake that we previously voted on a few team meetings ago. Once the plates were cut, an assembly line was formed and the team got to work. Monday was spent assembling the intake and getting ready for the rest of the week.
Tuesdays for the team are like the final boss of the week. With our school giving us flextime to finish homework, Tuesdays tend to be very busy. Neel started the day by introducing our former robot to new members and giving a tour of our room. The day then proceeded with Neel giving a lesson on crimping anderson connectors on motors. After that, everyone got to try out the newly learned skill. While the lesson was going on Riley and a couple of other members were continuing on with their Monday project of building the intake.
Team Meeting
When the team meeting came around a flood of team members entered the room’s outside door. Once everyone was settled, the normal routine of updates and upcoming events occurred. Tuesday ended with the Media meeting. At the meeting, the subteam worked on their camera skills and discussed upcoming projects.
The beginning of Wednesday was the calm before the storm. With the anticipation of our swerve plates coming back from our generous sponsor CEM. A mass of team members joined the room once it began to wait for them to arrive. Once they did, the parts were pulled out and everyone started working in small groups assembling our drivetrain modules. While the swerve was being assembled Pearl was able to continue building her amazing bumpers, and Riley stole all of the Falcon 500s off of the demo bot. (thanks supply chain 🙁)

Thursday is a break for the team. But that doesn’t mean the programming subteam isn’t working. At 6 o’clock Andy assigned new programming tasks for the rest of the build season. After doing so, everyone at the meeting created their task’s branch on GitHub.
On Friday things got real again. What started as a slow day quickly ramped up. Small groups who originally assembled the swerve modules on Wednesday continued and eventually finished their modules. Talon is waiting on a lot of its new parts that we ordered, so Friday in room was spent doing smaller tasks. However, the CNC didn’t get a break. We cut out the main piece for our robot’s belly pan.

Game Night
Ending off the week the team had a fun Friday game night. Everyone hopped on Discord and we all played fun online team games. With four weeks into the build season, playing games was a great break for everyone.
Stay Connected With Us During The Entire Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season. Feel free to check out our social media pages: