Event Summary
These last two days Talon participated in its final event for the Rapid React season. The team was able to load in the robot on Friday, and use Cerberus on Saturday. Below is a summary of the entire event:

Qualification Matches
The team had to wake up bright and early on Saturday to arrive on time for our state tournament. With 36 Minnesota teams attending the event, Talon got to start off in its fourth qualification match.
1st Qualification Match
The drivers played a two ball auto in the beginning of the round which was followed by three additional shots. While our drivers played quite well, the opposing alliance had a very strong defense. To top that all off, the team eventually lost connection to our robot. We ended that match with a tie, and our programmers already fixing the connection issue.
2nd Qualification Match
The second match was a fun one. Our auto did not work, but our drivers gave us those points back in the tele-op phase. In total, Talon shot eleven balls into the upper hub. On top of that, our drivers managed to get a traversal climb in 15 seconds.
3rd Qualification Match
The day kept getting better with every match we played in. The team got to play with KingTec and The RoboHawks in our third match. Talon was able to try our four ball auto in this match. Unfortunately it didn’t work, but our human player Riley L was able to attempt a shot. The team then shot in 12 balls and climbed to the high bar. Our alliance won the match by two points.

4th Qualification Match
Our fourth match was also a lot of fun. Our auto was able to shoot two balls into the lower hub. After that, Cerberus shot five balls into the upper hub. The turret did have a problem, so the team played very defensively until they ended the match with a traversal climb. Just like the last two matches, Talon took home another win.
5th Qualification Match
After our very long lunch break the team tried our four ball auto. We only managed to shoot in one ball, but our drivers recovered with six balls in the upper climb and a double traverse with Team 8516. This match ended with another win for Talon.

6th Qualification Match
With the second match after our lunch break the team got an amazing matchup with The Green Machine & The Binary Battalion. The alliance won the match with Talon’s drive team. We were able to score two balls into the lower hub in the autonomous phase. Then Cerberus shot many balls towards the upper hub, although only seven landed into the hub. The drivers ended that match by attempting a traversal climb. Unfortunately Cerberus slipped on the high bar. The robot didn’t fall off, but we were hanging on by a thread.

7th Qualification Match
In our second to last qualification match the team was doing quite well. We were very high up on the leaderboard, so the team was hoping to get even higher. Once again our drivers didn’t disappoint. Cerberus was programmed to shoot in two balls, but this time our drivers did after the autonomous phase. Throughout the entire match our drivers were able to rack in 11 points into the upper hub. We did attempt a climb, but we were not able to get off the ground because we started late. The team ended that match with yet another win and being ranked in second place.
8th Qualification Match
In our final qualification match Talon did quite well. We shot three balls into the upper hub, and the fourth landed in the lower hub. Our drivers were able to play quite well. Cerberus shot 11 balls into the upper hub. The team wasn’t able to climb as our alliance members were taking up the hangar. Talon lost its last match which brought us down to Fifth place.

Talon played quite well in the qualification matches, so when the third ranked alliance joined the first, Talon became the Fourth alliance captain. One of our Business captains Pearl J was able to speak on behalf of the team. Talon chose team 7028 and team 2883 to join us in the playoffs.
1st Semi-Final Match
In our first playoff match our alliance played quite well. Talon wasn’t able to get a working auto, but we were able to shoot in nine balls. Talon ended that game with a traverse. While the entire game was quite close Talon lost its first semi-final match.
2nd Semi-Final Match
In our second playoff match the team was quite hopeful Cerberus was working quite well. Although our auto did not work, our drivers were able to shoot in four balls when we found a major problem. Our robot somehow broke our CAN Bus cable. This stopped us from shooting for the rest of the match, so our drivers played a defensive game until the endgame. Once we reached endgame we finished the match with a middle rung climb.

Third Place Match
Talon lost in the semi-final match, but we were able to play once more to see if we could reach third place.
In our final winner takes all match, our alliance was ready. Talon shot one ball in the autonomous phase. After that, the team was able to shoot in seven balls and get a high climb. At the end of the match it looked like the team was about to take third place, but the judges thought otherwise. The final score was 105-104 in the opposing alliance’s favor.
Season Summary
Overall Talon had a great time playing. Everyone had a great day and season. While our competition is over we still have plenty of off season events. Talon can’t wait for the future. We truly had an amazing season, the team could have never done so well without the support of our sponsors and family members. The team got to go to Worlds and we won three different individual awards.

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season. Feel free to check out our social media: