Team Updates
Today was another weekly team meeting for Talon. With the season ending the team didn’t have too much to talk about, but there were some updates. Below is a summary of the entire meeting:
- The captains started the meeting by discussing the captains applications. So far everyone who has submitted a form has been reviewed. The voting will be later this month. It will be after the candidates discuss their reasoning behind their running. If you do want to vote for your future capitan, you will need to be in person. The new captains will be announced at the upcoming banquet.
- The team will be having its banquet on the 24th. If you are planning on attending, be sure to RSVP to the event.
- If you are planning on going to state, you will need to register on the SignUpGenius. We will need people to help tear down the field, the more who sign up the faster it will be. If you are also needing a ride for any day. Reach out on Slack for carpooling plans.
- The team is very excited for our last competition. If you are able to attend, please do so. However, if you are not able to attend. The KnightKrawlers will be streaming the event through their YouTube channel.
- The team will be having a MyBookDay presentation at EPHS on may 16th
- Finally, there will not be any other open rooms after the team packs the trailer on thursday. However, Talon will have its next team meeting on Tuesday.
Sub-Team Updates
Once the captains finished talking about the more pressing updates. Everyone’s attention was switched towards our sub-team leads.
- Our Design team doesn’t have any new updates. They did try out a flywheel on our turret, but there was a problem that occurred last weekend which ended up with the team taking it off.
- The Fabrication sub-team also does not have anything new to report. They will be hosting a meeting sometime soon as they want to prepare everyone for the next season.
- Our Programming sub-team has been busy. Over the weekend they were able to fine-tune the robot’s code. They have also been able to update the robot’s software, so now everything should be able to work quite well.
- The Scouting and Strategy sub team has been busy. Over the weekend they had a very successful meeting. They are planning on doing stand scouting at our upcoming tournament.
- Finally the Safety and Organization sub-team will be backing the trailer on Thursday. Besides that, they will need help unloading the trailer on Friday at the venue.

- Our Awards sub-team does not have any new updates. They are wrapped up for the season, so they will not have any more meetings.
- The Fundraising sub-team was very happy with our Crumbl Cookie fundraiser. They do not have the total yet, but the success of the event could not have happened without the support of everyone who showed up. They will continue to work on future events. So far, nothing is certain, but there are a few new events in progress.
- The Marketing sub-team will no longer have meetings until after the banquet. They will be working on grants over the summer, but they are mostly done with the season.
- The Media sub-team does not have any new updates.However, they will be working over the summer, but they are mostly done with the season.
- Finally the Outreach sub-team has finished work on the Alumni event. They will be having a meeting tomorrow to discuss data collection with every business sub-team. They will also need a student lead for the state fair demo. If you are interested in leading the demo, reach out to Vedanth or any captains on Slack.
The team had another great team meeting. Everyone cannot wait for the state tournament. Cerberus is in a fairly good condition, so our team cannot wait to see some more action. Be sure to follow our Instagram and Twitter for updates on the event.
Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season. Feel free to check out our social media: