2022 Build Season Day 57 (4/17/2022)

Authors” Yash D, Dylan C

Open-Room Updates

Today was the last day for Talon to practice with its robot. Even with the major holiday some team members were able to sneak away, and get some much needed work in. below is an summary of everything the team did:

students working on the robot.
  • The team was able to make some small adjustments today. The team improved the static hooks issue by adding a new panel that connects the two hooks. This panel will be able to hold the hooks in place in case they start to bend.  The team is hoping the panels help decrease the effects torque has on its climbers while climbing.
  • The team was also able to cut-out two new static hooks through our CNC today. The design went through many iterations before we finally decided to cut it. Because of our newly added CNC machine we were able to drill the new static hooks in house. With these two new hooks the team will be able to quickly replace them in case they break at Worlds.
  • Finally the team still had enough time to squeeze in 45 minutes of practice for the drivers today. Since today was the last drive practice before Houston. The team had to clean up the entire room which took a significant chunk of time.

Overall the day was very fun as the team was able to get a lot done. We were able to make many spare parts for our robot when it competes in Houston.

a student working on a computer in the open-room.
Adhi using SolidWorks on the team’s computer.

Team Updates

The marketing sub-team will have its weekly monday meeting tomorrow. This week’s meeting will be different as they will be having a party celebrating their success. They are also planning on doing a quick recap of the entire season.

Finally the team will be having its open-room tomorrow, but most of it will be preparing for worlds. The team still needs to clean the room, pack the trailer, and print more buttons. But, overall the team is ready. 

a student working on the button press

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!

If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season. Feel free to check out our social medias:

