Open-Room Updates
Today was Talon’s first day back in its room since Minnesota’s 10,000 Lakes regional. The team was very happy to get our hands on the robot as there was some fixes that needed to be done. Below is everything the team did today:
- The most important problem the team fixed today was replacing the plate on the battery mount. With the entire mount falling off at the event the team needed a solution for this new problem. Throughout the open-room today two team members worked on cutting out a new plate and fixing the entire mount.
- Today another team member worked on making a link for the climbers. The team found an issue with the two extending climbers bending a slight amount by each climb. Christian T worked on cutting out and mounting a solution to this problem.
The team was able to fix most of the problems with the robot. Though we still have a lot of time until our next event the team will probably uncover more problems that will need fixing.

Team Updates
About an hour into the open-room everyone was working on their own projects. It wasn’t until one team member went to check the team’s Slack when they saw an important announcement. As of now the team will be going to worlds in Houston Texas.
The Outreach sub-team canceled the Artic wolf demo as the team will be going to worlds. They have also worked on making flyers for summer camps. They are planning on handing out these at future events. Finally they will be sending emails about the alumni event to our sponsors.
Everyone is super excited for the week of extreme challenge and now Talon will be able to attend. If you are attending the event check Slack for updates on our traveling. In the next few days the team will be continuing its usual schedule. The media team will continue its daily updates.

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.