Open-Room Updates
Today at the open room Talon was very busy. The room started off with the team assembling the
- Field. However the team wanted a larger scale field so for the first hour of the room team members were rolling parts back and forth. After we finished building the field the team all split into smaller groups. For some younger students Neal S taught them about the CNC, 3D Printer, and Solid works. It was not until after the informational session when a few team members were working on painting our team number signs.

- During that time, some small groups continued to work on the robot. In particular they worked on fine tuning the climber code and practicing climbing with the robot.
Overall the team is doing very good. Today was mostly a day to get smaller projects done as the team is ready for 10K.
Team Updates
- A few members of the awards sub-team continued to work on refining the chairman’s presentation. As of now they are ready for 10K, but they still feel that they need to add in some minor details. Currently their focus for the presentation is on our outreach to our community. The entire team is wishing them well as they have worked very hard.
- The media team today had its usual Friday meeting. It was a short checkup with the members of the team. The sub-team did discuss the northern lights video. As of now it’s not complete, but it is almost finished. (Sorry for the wait!)
- In other news the team has been getting ready for the stands by painting our numbers. In the photo below you can see our numbers painted with the team colors.

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.