2022 Build Season Day 49 (3/30/2022)

Open-Room Updates

Today at the open-room the team didn’t have much to do. Usually we plan to test out the robot, but we did not have access to the area we usually set up our field. So the team worked on everything we could do. For a couple of team members they worked on attaching the LimeLight’s guard that was recently cut out with our CNC machine. One team member removed the Gopro mount from its original position. 

Most of the open-room was pretty slow, but later in the day the team assembled the hangar in our room. It was a tight fit but the team was able to try out our autonomous climb.

The only other update come from the outreach meeting. At the said meeting they worked on making a SignUpGenius for our upcoming Alumni event.

In the next few days the team will mostly be working on smaller projects as the robot is just about finished. We mostly are working on our code right now as it needs some fine tuning.

a team captian working on the computer
Pearl S coloring the robot on the CAD computer.
A student programming on their computer.
Paul P looking at the code
Our robot on the floor in the open room.

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!

If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.


