Team updates
Like every Tuesday, Talon had its weekly team meeting. Below you will see a list of everything the team talked about.
- With 10K seven days away the team is preparing for the event. If you are wanting to attend please head to Slack to register on the SignUpGenius. You will need to fill out each individual day that you want to attend.
- As of right now the team meal form has closed. If you have not ordered food for 10K please contact Ellie F on Slack.
- For Thursday 10K will be an excusable absence event. If you do plan on going you will need to talk to your teachers and arrange a plan for the day you missed.
- finally the team will need help setting up the field each day after school. IF you have a few spare minutes after school it will be appreaciated if you could help
After talking about 10K the team dived into the usual sub-team updates.

- The programming team is still working on finalizing its code. As of now everything is finished, but there is always room for improvement.
- For fabrication there are not that many new things. The sub-team has finished everything with the climber and is preparing for 10K
- The safety and organization sub-team is planning on loading the truck on Tuesday the 5th. Everything must be loaded that day as we want to leave for the event prepared.
- Finally the scouting sub-team is asking al those who are interested in pit-scouting to reach out in slack. having many scouts will be very beneficial for the team.
- The Awards sub-team has been preparing its chairman’s presentation. The entire team was able to watch their presentation during the team meeting. Until the actual presentation they plan to continue to refine the presentation with the feedback that was given at the team meeting. The presenters have worked very hard to memorize the entire presentation
- The media sub-team does not have much to report other than the new head cut-outs that have been ordered. The team is also looking for volunteers to take photos at the event. If you are interested please reach out on Slack.
- The marketing sub-team has worked very hard this last week so they had a lot to report. To start they have gotten a large sum of money from a new sponsor. They have also finished their entrepreneurship award which took them a long time to complete.
- For both Outreach and fundraising sub-teams they did not have much to report at the meeting. They are both working on future opportunities for the team, but as of now nothing is set in stone.

Like always the team had its open-room . Not much happened, but we still got a good amount of stuff done. The team was able to test out its climber, but we did have two slight issues with the robot. The first issue was with the code. The robot did not want to function as it kept giving us many errors. Two programmers did eventually figure out the issue which was resolved. After solving the code issue. We were presented with a new issue with one of the robot’s extending arm. We eventually fixed this problem, but we didn’t get much testing done as the robot was not able to properly function.
Overall the openroom was slower than usual but we were able to fine-tune the robot. We got some drivers testing done which is always good for the team.

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