Robot Goodness
Today during the open room team members continued to work on robot. In particular we worked on the battery mount and other parts. Because we have Friday off many team members were showing up to todays open room. This was very beneficial for the entire team as we were able to make many different parts. At the end of the open room today we have been able to attach a large sum of parts onto the robot.

Programming Updates
As every Thursday goes the team had their regular Programming meeting. Because we are nearing Northern Lights the team discussed the process of merging their code onto the main branch. They also learned how to flash all motor controllers, the radio, and the Robo reel. The team is almost done programming all of the driver side code. Soon we will start to work on the autonomous program.

Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.
The Instagram account has bonus content so check it out!
Twitter: @FRC2502