Authors: Paul O’Connell, Dylan Curry
Open Room + Robot News
Today at talon we worked on the climber subsystem. We installed the pistons for the articulated climbing arms. We tested them on the climber on the climber structure. This showed us that we tilt too much when hanging. This lowered the maximum reach making the arm too short. So we will not be able to reach the high bar currently.
Due to the state of the robot the captains have decided to not attend Week 0. We instead will be using this time to mount and wire up the electronics on the robot. Currently the scouting team will still be heading over there for a short period of time. If you are interested in attending the scouting event at week 0 you can Check slack for more updates.

Sub-Teams Updates
- The team will not be attending week 0
- The outreach sub team met and assembled more of the curriculum
- The fundraising team hosted their weekly meeting
- All sub teams are running smoothly. As Northern Lights is approaching we are nearing the final stages of the robot.
Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.
Twitter: @FRC2502