Team Meeting
Today we had our weekly team meeting. We discussed the regular bunch of things but we also discussed the following:
- Week Zero is coming up for this season. Currently we are finishing up on the Cad designs, and right now we are porting over these models to the real robot.
- We have started working on a bumper for the robot. You can see that bumper design below.
- We also talked about the upcoming drives test. If you are wanting to become a driver for this season the test will be on Sunday the 13th. You can see more information on Slack.
- For the fabrication of the robot we have gotten the chains onto the drive train. We have also started working on fixing the intake as before it was not fully working. The climber is also in its final phases of its design. Right now we are working on CADing the climber.
- Almost all of the programming projects that have been given to members have been completed. Soon we will be merging these projects onto the main robot.
- The Talon instagram account will be starting up for the remainder of this season. The instagram account will have exclusive posts from each day so be sure to check it out.
- Today was the last day to sign up for the upcoming Duluth tournament. If you have any questions about the event please reach out to any mentors or one of the team captains.

Overall Information
Overall Today’s team meeting wasn’t too much different than the rest of our team meeting but these meeting are very important for all members. If you are a member and you haven’t been attending we strongly recommend attending these meetings as they allow us to inform you of the upcoming season. The robot is looking very good as we are all working hard to finish the robot.
Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.
Twitter: @FRC2502