Tests After Tests
Today we continued to test the turret design that we agreed on two weeks ago at the prototype vote meeting. We tested out different compressor levels on the cargo. We wanted to find the optimal pressure level for the best bounce. We also brought out the old comp bot and measured the speed from encoders. We found out that the bot moves at 8 Ft/Sec on the low gear and 12 Ft/Sec on its high gear. We also continued to work on the frame of the robot where we added motors to the wheels. Nonetheless we are slowly getting ready for the upcoming tournament.

On The Other Side Of The Team
Today we had our Chipotle fundraiser. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the fundraiser. The fundraising team worked very hard with the Chipotle team to make this fundraiser happen. We also had the weekly marketing meeting where they assigned members to email potential sponsors and email those who have sponsored us. Without the business side of the team we would not have what we have now so, A special thank you to all business sub teams.
Money doesn’t grow on trees, it grows on burritos.
Other News
Over the weekend the media team finally got a fancy new camera so the next photos in the blog posts are going to get better and better. We will also be able to record higher quality videos with this camera so expect to see said videos in the coming days. The awards team was also able to start getting personal opinions on the chairman’s video. Which will allow the team to make a better video that will be at the awards ceremony if we win chairman’s this year.
Stay Connected With Us During The Season!
If you want to stay connected with the team during the entire season feel free to check out our social media.
Tik-Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@frc2502?
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ephs.robotics/?utm_medium=copy_link
Twitter: @FRC2502